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The Oxford Wine Blog


The Life of an MW Student – Thirty Seven

Breaks from drinking are important. I’m hardly one to preach about abstinence, but I am a firm believer in moderation  – or at least as was once famously said ‘All…

Grape Expectations: Sancerre

Continuing on my theme of looking at the world of wine geographically, rather than through the lens of grape varieties, I bring you to the Loire Valley, and more specifically…

The Life of an MW Student – Thirty Six

Albert Einstein famously said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So why did I start this year’s attempt…

Grape Expectations: Margaux

As we head towards the festive season, many of us look for bottles which carry a certain cachet. Something that, when brought to a dinner party, will evoke coos of…

Grape Expectations: Chianti

Well, it’s finally happened. After several years of writing these columns, I have run out of grape varieties. That is, unless you would like to read about hideously obscure, probably…